Apizza Feast Vendor Applications Date: Friday, October 1st, 2021 Location: 1000 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT 06510 Cost: pricing options listed below Event Time: 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm Vendor Setup Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Vendor Fee Are you licensed with the city of New Haven for the year of 2021? * Select an option... Yes No + 60 (+$60.00) Please select the preferred vendor space options. Apizza Feast (Trucks & Trailers) (+$275.00) Insert the number you’d like to book Apizza Feast (Food Carts) (+$175.00) Insert the number you’d like to book Apizza Feast (10’ x 10’ Tent) (+$200.00) Insert the number you’d like to book Apizza Feast (10’ x 20’ Tent) (+$300.00) Insert the number you’d like to book Generator hookup (+$60.00) Insert the number you’d like to book Company Name*Company Contact*Address Company Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Business Phone*Home Phone*Email* Truck, trailer, cart or tent length & width*Do you have a propane tank?* Yes No What equipment will you be setting up?* A trailer A full truck Just a tent/s Vendor FeePlease select the preferred vendor space options.Insurance, Licenses And Permit Requirements: The vendor, at his sole expense, shall obtain and maintain on whatever basis is necessary, all licenses and permits required to be secured in connection with the vendor’s conduct of its concession operations hereunder and all insurance customarily maintained by first-class retail operators, including, without limitation, worker’s compensation insurance and general liability insurance. Such public liability insurance shall be in the amount of not less than the following: general liability of not less than $1 million per injury and property damage or occurrence; automobile liability of not less than $100,000/$300,000 per injury or occurrence; worker’s compensation of no less than statutory requirements; employer’s liability of not less than $100,000 for each incidence or occurrence; bodily injury of not less than $1 Million policy limit; and bodily injury by disease of $2 Million for each occurrence All such policies shall be in the form and substance satisfactory to CCAP, New Haven Festivals, Inc. and the City of New Haven; shall be non cancelable without thirty (30) days prior written notice to and shall name CCAP, and the City of New Haven, and Taste of New Haven as additionally insured. All such policies shall provide that such insurance is primary to The CCAP, the City of New Haven, and The Taste of New Haven’s insurance. All insurance policies required by this agreement shall be issued by companies authorized to do business under the laws of the he state of Connecticut and each such insurance policy shall be written by a company rated no less than “A” as to general policy holder’s rating and no less than “C” class 10 as to financial rating in Accordance with the latest edition of Best Key Rating Guide published by A.N. Best and Company, Inc. Certificate of Insurance must be submitted with contract and payment. Vendors will supply CCAP with proof of this coverage upon return of signed contract. The vendor will also supply the Festival with a valid Connecticut State Tax ID Number and Federal ID Tax Number when the contract is signed. Application checklist 1) COMPLETED CONTRACT SIGNED AND DATED (This agreement) 2) PAYMENT FOR CONTRACT SUBMISSION All payments are due no later than contract submission due date. No refunds. Checks are payable to CCAP. CCAP accepts certified checks, money orders, or bank checks only. NO PERSONAL CHECKS! 3) PROOF OF INSURANCE COVERAGE Call your business insurance carrier. Click here for Insurance Requirements. Have them add CCAP, Taste of New Haven, and the City of New Haven as additionally insured. 4) COPY OF VALID CT STATE TAX ID CERTIFICATE If you do not have a copy contact the CT DRS- 860-297-5962 To obtain a Connecticut Sales and Use Tax Permit, you must apply online using the Taxpayer Service Center (TSC) or in person by visiting any CT DRS local office. 5) COMPLETED COPY OF THE FEDERAL ID W-9 FORM Visit https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf 6) COPY OF NEW HAVEN HEALTH DEPARTMENT REQUIRED LICENSE All vendors are required to obtain a New Haven Health Dept. Food Service Operation License. All vendors must contact Brian Wnek at (203) 946-6760 at the City of New Haven Health Department for specific requirements for health licenses. 7) COPY OF NEW HAVEN VENDING PERMIT Reminder that all vendors who do not have a yearly vending permit with the City of New Haven, must apply for this event’s umbrella permit. Instructions on page 3. $60 fee applied. 8) COPY OF PHOTO I.D. Government Issued I.D.’s ONLY *** If you have a propane tank onsite and have not been checked by the New Haven Fire Marshall previously, you are subject to inspection the day of the event. *** All food vendors are scheduled for New Haven Health Department inspections prior to opening on the day of the festival.Please upload proof of insuranceAccepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, doc, docx, Max. file size: 20 MB.Please upload CT Sales and Use Tax IDAccepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, doc, docx, Max. file size: 20 MB.Please upload your Completed Federal W-9 formAccepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, doc, docx, Max. file size: 20 MB.Download the Federal W-9 form here Please upload your New Haven Health Department PermitAccepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, doc, docx, Max. file size: 20 MB.Please upload your New Haven Building Department Vending PermitAccepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, doc, docx, Max. file size: 20 MB.Please upload your photo I.D.Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, doc, docx, Max. file size: 20 MB.Permits and Contract Regulations*Permits and Contract Regulations * I agree with terms For any comments or questions: Please contact [email protected] Further vendor instructions will be delivered to all vendors in the weeks before the event. *** If you have a propane tank onsite and have not been checked by the New Haven Fire Marshall previously, you are subject to inspection the day of the event. *** All food vendors are scheduled for New Haven Health Department inspections prior to opening on both days of the festival. Signature* Δ Subtotal Options Total Apizza Feast Vendor Applications quantity Add to cart Categories: Uncategorized, Vendor Opportunities